12 Step Psychotherapy

Online counselling that gets results.

A passion for healing

What I can help you with

Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, Spirituality, Stress, Anger Management, Self-Development, Self-esteem, Self-Compassion, Health, Identity, Relationships.

How I work

My work is centred around self-compassion and self-help, incorporating elements of spirituality (non-religious) and well established 12-step-recovery principles.

What I believe in

I believe in empowering individuals to discover their own solutions and strategies, fostering a sense of self-reliance and resilience.

My education

Masters degree in humanistic and integrative psychotherapy and a PhD in physics.


I am a certified associate of the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP).


English and German.

An array of resources

Ready to take the next step?


  • MA in humanistic and integrative psychotherapy.
  • Certified associate of IAHIP.
  • PhD in physics.

Well established 12-step-principles

  • Letting go.
  • Forgiveness.
  • Spirituality.

โ€œIt was during the Masters training that I came to recognise and admire the high standard and integrity Olaf brings to his academic work.โ€



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