
The 12 Step Psychotherapy Blog provides you with information, insights, and tips on various topics related to psychotherapy.

  • AI talks: Please shine a light on addiction from a non-dualistic perspective.

    AI talks: Please shine a light on addiction from a non-dualistic perspective.

    Viewing addiction from a non-dualistic perspective involves understanding it beyond the simplistic view of right and wrong, good and bad, or the individual as entirely separate from their behaviors. Hereโ€™s how it can be approached: In essence, a non-dualistic perspective on addiction encourages seeing it as part of the human journey towards self-realization and spiritual…

  • AI talks: Relate the 12 steps of AA to a non-dualistic view.

    AI talks: Relate the 12 steps of AA to a non-dualistic view.

    Relating the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) to a non-dualistic view involves reinterpreting the principles of the 12 steps through the lens of oneness and the illusion of separation. Hereโ€™s how each step can be understood from a non-dualistic perspective: In summary, from a non-dualistic perspective, the 12 Steps of AA can be seen…

  • AI talks: What does the name Yeshua mean?

    AI talks: What does the name Yeshua mean?

    The name Yeshua (ื™ึตืฉืื•ึผืขึท) is of Hebrew origin and is a shortened form of Yehoshua (ื™ึฐื”ื•ึนืฉึปืืขึท), which means “Yahweh is salvation” or “Yahweh saves.” The name Yeshua is the Hebrew equivalent of the Greek name Iฤ“sous (แผธฮทฯƒฮฟแฟฆฯ‚), which is transliterated into English as Jesus. Breakdown of the Name Yeshua: Thus, the name Yeshua signifies the…

  • AI talks: Please provide examples of non-dualistic teachings in Eastern philosophies.

    AI talks: Please provide examples of non-dualistic teachings in Eastern philosophies.

    Eastern philosophies are rich with non-dualistic teachings. Here are some prominent examples from major traditions: 1. Hinduism (Advaita Vedanta) Advaita Vedanta, a school of Hindu philosophy, is explicitly non-dualistic. 2. Buddhism (Mahayana and Zen) Several schools within Mahayana Buddhism and Zen Buddhism teach non-dualism. 3. Taoism Taoism, an ancient Chinese philosophy, embodies non-dualistic thought. 4.…

  • AI talks: In the Bible, who might have seen the world or Christianity as non-dualistic?

    AI talks: In the Bible, who might have seen the world or Christianity as non-dualistic?

    The concept of non-dualism, which refers to the idea that all things are interconnected and fundamentally one, is not explicitly prominent in the Bible. However, certain biblical figures and passages can be interpreted in ways that resonate with non-dualistic thought, emphasizing unity and oneness. Here are a few examples: While the Bible does not explicitly…

  • How to Heal from Codependency with Melody Beattieโ€™s Approach

    How to Heal from Codependency with Melody Beattieโ€™s Approach

    Are you tired of feeling like you have to take care of everyone elseโ€™s needs and problems, but neglect your own? Do you want to learn how to heal from codependency and reclaim your life? In this article, you will discover how Melody Beattieโ€™s approach, based on the 12-step program, can help you overcome codependency…

  • How to Recover and Grow with the Twelve Steps of Grow

    How to Recover and Grow with the Twelve Steps of Grow

    Are you struggling with mental health issues and looking for a way to heal and grow? If so, you may want to check out Grow, a 12-step program that can help you overcome your challenges and achieve your potential. You may also want to work with Olaf, a certified and experienced psychotherapist who can guide…

  • The Twelve Stages of Decline

    The Twelve Stages of Decline

    Do you want to learn how to heal from your mental health issues and improve your emotional wellbeing? Do you want to discover the causes and consequences of your emotional decline? If so, you may be interested in the Twelve Stages of Decline, a model of emotional illness that was developed by Grow, a community-based…

  • How Codependence Anonymous Can Support Your Psychotherapy Journey

    How Codependence Anonymous Can Support Your Psychotherapy Journey

    Are you codependent and want to heal from it? Do you also want to improve your mental health and wellbeing with psychotherapy? If so, you may be interested in Codependence Anonymous (CoDA), a 12-step program for people who want to develop healthy relationships. In this article, you will learn how CoDA can support your psychotherapy…

  • How the Easy Peasy Method Can Help You Quit Porn and Enhance Your Psychotherapy Experience

    How the Easy Peasy Method Can Help You Quit Porn and Enhance Your Psychotherapy Experience

    Are you addicted to porn and want to quit? Do you also want to improve your mental health and wellbeing with psychotherapy? If so, you may be interested in the Easy Peasy Method, a simple and effective way to quit porn without willpower, self-denial, or suffering. In this article, you will learn how the Easy…

  • How to Unlock Your Inner Healing Power with Holotropic Breathwork

    How to Unlock Your Inner Healing Power with Holotropic Breathwork

    Holotropic breathwork (HB) is a group method of self-exploration and psychotherapy that uses breathwork, music, bodywork, art, and talking to induce deep states of altered consciousness and release blocked energy and emotions. In this article, you will learn how HB can complement your psychotherapy experience and help you access and process unconscious material, release and…

  • The Benefits of Taking One Day at a Time in Psychotherapy

    The Benefits of Taking One Day at a Time in Psychotherapy

    Do you often worry about the past or the future, and feel overwhelmed by your problems or goals? Do you want to learn how to focus on the present and what you can do today to improve your mental health and wellbeing? If so, you may be interested in taking one day at a time…

  • Why Self-Pity Can Hinder Your Psychotherapy Progress

    Why Self-Pity Can Hinder Your Psychotherapy Progress

    Do you often feel sorry for yourself and think that life is unfair? Do you think that self-pity can help you cope with your problems or get sympathy from others? If so, you may be sabotaging your psychotherapy progress and your mental health. In this article, you will learn why self-pity can hinder your psychotherapy…

  • How the 12 Steps of Can Enhance Your Psychotherapy Experience

    How the 12 Steps of Can Enhance Your Psychotherapy Experience

    Are you looking for a way to improve your mental health and wellbeing? Do you want to join a supportive community that can help you cope with life’s challenges? If so, you may be interested in, a 12-step program of recovery and growth for people who struggle with emotional issues. In this article, you…

  • Embracing the Uncontrollable: The Power of the 12 Steps

    Embracing the Uncontrollable: The Power of the 12 Steps

    Life is a journey filled with elements we can and cannot control. Recognising this difference is a powerful step towards personal growth. The 12 Steps, a structured approach originally developed by Alcoholics Anonymous, guide individuals through this process. They help us acknowledge our limitations, seek help, make amends, and strive for personal growth. While we…

  • Unlocking Therapeutic Success: The Integration of 12-Step-Concepts in My Practice

    Unlocking Therapeutic Success: The Integration of 12-Step-Concepts in My Practice

    Discover the transformative power of integrating 12-Step concepts into therapeutic practice. This approach not only aids in the recovery process but also fosters a deeper understanding of oneself. By intertwining these principles, we unlock new avenues for growth and healing, paving the way for a more holistic and comprehensive approach to mental health.