
Online counselling

12 Step Psychotherapy

Welcome to 12 Step Psychotherapy, a unique approach to mental health and well-being that integrates elements of spirituality (non-religious) and 12-step-recovery principles. My work is centred around love, self-help, and the journey towards self-improvement.

My Services

Personalised Psychotherapy

I offer personalised psychotherapy services that are designed to help you navigate through life’s challenges. My approach incorporates the principles of the 12-step recovery process, which provides a roadmap and direction for your journey.

Specialised Fields of Work

I specialise in various fields including Anxiety, Depression, Spirituality, Addiction, Stress, Anger Management, Self-Development, Self-esteem, Self-Compassion, Health, Identity, and Relationships. My goal is to help you develop a healthier relationship with yourself and others.

Integrative Approach

My integrative approach combines traditional psychotherapy techniques with the principles of the 12-step recovery process. This combination helps our clients find recovery and healing. I adjust my thinking and technique to match your phase of recovery, optimising treatment outcomes.

Why Choose Me?

At 12 Step Psychotherapy, I believe in the power of transformation and healing. My approach is designed to be accessible to a wide and multidisciplinary audience of people. I am committed to helping you find your path to a better future.

Join me on this journey towards self-improvement and well-being. Contact me today to learn more about my services and how I can help you.